Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cinquains by Me

What are cinquains? Cinquains are a type of poetry. Basically, there are five lines. The first line contains 2 syllables, the second line= 4 syllables, the third line= 6 syllables and- you guessed it- the fourth line= 8 syllables. The last line goes back to 2 syllables.

Please note that this information varies, depending on where you look. The following poems are based on the above description. Give it a try- it's fun!


I love
when you smile.
Lights grow dim compared to
the illumination you send
to me.

Windows to Me

See me:
Can you see how I feel?
I hope you do. I hope you don't
see me.


I know
I'll never be
who I want me to be.
Useless are my efforts to be

On Wings Like Eagles

You don't
need me to be
what is impossible.
In my weakness, I find Your strength.
I soar.

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