I have three children. My husband and I conceived two of them. I had the same two pulled out of my uterus via c-section. Two were planned, received all the appropriate prenatal care, and were named by my husband and myself.
So where did our so-called third child come from? Well, I made him. No, I do not have the ability to self-reproduce. I took two pieces of soft fabric cut them into squares, cut fringe-pieces, knotted them together, and -voila!- made a blanket for my baby boy, Nathaniel.
I had no idea, at the time, how attached Nate would become to his "blankie". Since I am as opposite from Martha Stewart as anyone can get, I made the blankie way too big. I mean, it was huge! That was not a problem until Nate decided he had to bring the blankie everywhere with him-- the grocery store, church, Grandma's, the doctor's office, and... well, you get the idea. It got to be such a burden, especially since I had to carry Nate and his blankie practically everywhere we went.
So, one day I took a chance. I cut the giant blankie into two pieces. I meant to cut it in half, but like I said, I'm no Martha Stewart. What I ended up with was a big blankie and a small blankie.
I was worried that Nate would freak out when he saw what I did to his beloved blankie that afternoon while he was out back playing. Not at all! He was excited to have not just one blankie but two!
Which brings me back to my "third child". Nate has latched on to that small blankie and treats it like his best friend. He named it Baby a long time ago (the big "half" is called Daddy). Baby has developed a personality of his own, he goes pee-pee on the potty, he has emotions, goes everywhere with us, and even has the same birthday as Nathaniel.
Almost all of our special pictures (ie. with Santa) include Baby. Nate introduces Baby to everyone we meet... the cashiers at the grocery store, doctors, receptionists, and total strangers. When Nate is sick, Baby is also sick. Baby eats dinner with us, reads with us, and goes to church with us. He even gives me good-night kisses at bedtime. Baby tells me he loves me and cries when Nate can't find him.
So, today when Nate went to Children's Hospital for surgery to put tubes in his ears, Baby had the same procedure. He even got his own admission sticker to wear in the surgery room. Nate was so pleased that Baby would be able to go with him. We couldn't be with Nate during the procedure so it was comforting to know that Baby would be there with him when they put Nate under anesthesia and when he woke up.
I'm happy to say that both Nate and Baby are doing well. Both are as busy and happy as always.
I didn't plan on having three children and I doubt I will have three children once Nate outgrows his attachment to Baby. Nate's fleecey companion will most likely end up in a keepsake box one day. But, we will always have the fun memories of Nate and Baby... and of course, the family pictures. One day it will be fun to tell Nate all about his Baby and how much he loved it.
In the meantime, Nate and Baby have their birthday on Friday. I know what to get Nate but what the heck do I get Baby?!
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