Now that I'm planning on not returning to work in the fall, we will not receive free tuition at our current private school. Right now, the boys are able to attend the school for free because I'm a full-time teacher there. This, by the way, is a great fringe benefit of working where I do (worth about $10,000 a year for both boys).
So, we are now trying to make decisions regarding where to send Andrew for first grade in the fall. We cannot afford private school tuition if I don't work. So, what to do?
Here are a few possibilities that we are praying will work out for us:
1. Heritage Charter School This is a full time school (in other words, no home-schooling). We had to put Andrew's name into a lottery. Too many people want to get in so they have to draw names to fill any open spots at the school.
2. The Classical Academy This school is a home-school based program. There are two options, depending on what's open and what the parents prefer.
A/B Track- The kids go to regular class, with a regular teacher two days a week- either Mon. & Wed. or Tues. & Thus. The other three days, they are home-schooled. Students are also able to take enrichment courses on Fridays (like Latin, Spanish, guitar, drama).
C-Track- The kids are home-schooled five days a week. The parents get to choose the curriculum. They get $400.00 a year to purchase the curriculum they would like to use (as long as it's non-religious). Every home-school family gets hooked up with an "Instructional Specialist" who helps them pick out the right curriculum for their child. Families meet with their "IS" several times during the school year to monitor progress, discuss any issues, teaching strategies, etc. These kids are also allotted $55 a month to help off-set any costs for activities like sports or music lessons. The C-Track students are also given enrichment opportunities throughout the week, including the Friday labs.
Like Heritage, this school doesn't have room for all the families who want to get into the school. So, again... we are entered into another lottery.
At this point, public school is not an option (I've taught in public school and most- but not all-of them are a mess!). I'll gladly take any of these alternative schooling options. I just hope we get our names pulled for at least one of them!
I'll keep you posted. Both schools are doing their lotteries in March so I should know something by the end of March. Pray for us! :-)
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