Last week, Nate discovered that he could make his own "pool" by turning the hose on full-blast near one of our landscape drains on our patio. I was making lunch while he turned the hose on himself and filled up our drainage area.
His little pool was still there after lunch, so he went back for more fun (with his clothes on, this time). He filled his little construction worker hat up with water and dumped it on his head and face, laughing each time.
Even Andrew got in on the action and had a blast. In our family, it's the little brother who teaches the big brother how to do crazy things.
The day Nathaniel was born, I knew he was going to be a feisty one. He cried for the first four months of his life (at least that's how it seemed). When he did start smiling, I noticed he did it with a sparkle in his eyes and a brightness that made me fall whole-heartedly in love with him.
He's my NaterGator. Nate the Great. Nateball. Nathaniel Cooper. And I love him!
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