Melissa listed my blog as one of the five blogs she loves. How cool is that?!
So, this is how this works:
1. Name 5 things you love.
2. Pass the award on to 5 blogs you love.
3. Link back to the giver's blog, and tell how fabulous they are.
Five things I love
1. Staying up late and sleeping in.
2. Brownie edges and corners (not too gooey but just a tiny bit crunchier and chewier than the brownies at the center of the pan).
3. Nature & being outdoors... especially the mountains.
4. When my boys are clean and smell good (right after they get out of the tub... doesn't last long).
5. When my husband and our boys wrestle and play together.
Five Blogs I Love (in no particular order)
Promises to Keep, Miles to Go, Wonderful is Our Journey
I found Melissa on MySpace after I "friended" her brother, Jeff. I started to read Melissa's comments and blogs and found out she is super funny. So I begged her to be my friend. Melissa's blogs make me laugh and I appreciate her honest, down-to-earth manner of writing. I like how she finds the humor in things around her... and can laugh at herself. Very cool!
Can We Get More Napkins, Please?
I know Sarah from church. Although she is much younger than me, she has lots of kids. And she's never afraid to let her imperfections show. Sarah's blogs make me feel like it's OK to have bad days, to feel like throwing in the mommy towel, or to break down and cry if I have to. Don't get me wrong, Sarah is a GREAT mom and that is what makes her blogs so inspiring and encouraging. If a wise young mommy like Sarah can laugh at the bad days as much as she can rejoice in the good days, I can too!
The Grainger Family
Beckie is a special lady. I've known her for a while through my little brother but only really got to know her via MySpace. Especially since she moved to Colorado. I love reading Beckie's blogs because it so awesome to see how much she has grown spiritually since I first met her! Her move to Colorado wasn't an easy transition at first and I know she struggled to find a good church home so I love reading that she has found a church and is making lots of good friends. Beckie is a loving mom who blesses others by sharing her fears, hopes, and joys of mommihood.
Blonde at Home
I know Leah from church. Her husband plays guitar with my husband. When I first met Leah, I thought she was this quiet, serious, sweet churchy girl. Well, she's still sweet but not as quiet, serious, and churchy as I initially thought. I relate to Leah. Her blogs crack me up... especially her blog titled "Eau de ______". Leah is witty and writes very well. Fun stuff!
My Little Brother's (Andrew)
Life on the Mountain
My little brother is one of my favorite people. He just moved up to Palomar Mountain to take a position as the teacher for Light & Life's K-8 one room school house. My sister-in-law is about 12 months pregnant with their second boy. There seems to always be some crazy thing going on in their lives. I have to give my sister-in-law lots of credit... I would have gone insane long ago if I were married to someone like my brother! His blogs are about life, family, teaching, the oddities of living in the mountains, and of course hunting & fishing.
Thanks Sara for listing me as one of your favorite blogs. I too love yours. I love how funny you are and the love that you have for life. I wish I only had half your spontanity to want to get outside and conqueer a mountain. Litterally. I am so lazy.
Aww, thanks for the shout out. Sam would greatly disagree with the "sweet" part! I love reading your blog, too!
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