1. No more homeschooling! That's right- I found out that our local public school is actually very good. I was so impressed by my visit that I enrolled Andrew as quickly as I could. He started on Monday, December 1st so he is still in his first week of school there. So far, he LOVES it! He's made friends, plays soccer at lunch and recess, loves his teacher, and even looks forward to the lunches (they have a great selection of food!). I get to help out in the classroom tomorrow (Friday) and I'm looking forward to it.
2. Good decisions: I won't go into detail here but let me say that I've been making really good decisions lately regarding my family, my marriage, and myself. Deciding not to home-school is one of those good decisions.
3. Cluck Cluck: Nate still carries his chicken around with us every where we go. It got so dirty, I had to sneak the poor thing into the washing machine. It was a very well-planned operation and we ended up with a clean chicken in the end. It's dirty again.
4. Stupid Me: I took Nate to the Wild Animal Park yesterday. We had a fun day but in an idiotic attempt to get a picture of the two of us on the pretend tree in the playground area, I slid off the slick surface of the structure. I was holding Nate in one arm and my camera in the other hand. As I started to fall, I grabbed as tightly as I could onto the "branch" with my camera-hand and my right leg. It didn't stop me from hitting the ground, though. I'm happy to say that Nate is fine-- I was able to get him in a good football hold as we fell, protecting his head and back. Aside from feeling like a fool, I'm fine too but feel like I pulled every muscle on the right side of my body. Why do I do these things? I guess because I think I should be able to.
5. Santa: Even though Andrew doesn't believe in Santa anymore, he wanted to get his picture taken on his lap when we went to the mall before Thanksgiving. I wasn't intending to have this done when we went to the mall that day so I didn't dress the boys in anything special (well, special for them is clean clothes). When I saw that there was NO line & remembered my hour-long wait for Santa last year, I decided to get the picture done that day. I ended up going to the Children's Place to get Andrew some pants (to replace his raggedy sweat pants). And we went to Santa's throne for our picture. Both boys smiled this year and I was smiling because we didn't have to wait in any type of line. Ahhhh... sweet
Santa success!

6. Fudge: I LOVE fudge! I love eating fudge. I love making fudge. Every year, I start early in the fudge- er, holiday- season making fudge. I am always trying to make each batch better than the batch before it. I made the BEST fudge in the history of my fudge-making life on Tuesday. What made it especially good this time? I think it had a lot to do with the Godiva White Chocolate liqueur I put in it. Yes, I love fudge but love it even more with some sort of alcohol in it. YUM!
7. Soccer Mom: Yes, I'm going to be a soccer mom. No, my boys are not joining a soccer team. I am!! Many of my mom friends play soccer and love it. I've been asked to join leagues before, but was always afraid to because of the commitment involved and because of the fact that I don't know how to play. Well, as part of my good decision-making streak lately, I've been wanting to do something fun for me. Something that allows me to get exercise and develop more female friendships. Since there aren't many skateboarding mamas out there, soccer seemed like a fun way to accomplish those goals. I'm pretty feisty, quick, and a semi-intelligent so I figure I have time to learn how to play soccer before the season starts in January. The team I'm joining is not in the aggressively competitive league and the ladies know I'm a beginner. They play more for fun and exercise than to kick butt so I think I'll fit in just fine. I can't wait to get my pink shirt, cute soccer socks, shin guards and cleats! I wonder if they make pink cleats... hmmm, I'll have to look.
That's all for now! Gotta feed the kids and hubby now.
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