Friday, March 6, 2009

Playing Tooth Fairy

Andrew lost his FIRST tooth on Tuesday. That's the tooth in his hand. He was so excited, he even let me take pictures of him sporting his newly-gapped smile!

My Boy is Growing Up... That means I Must Be Too

I had fun being the tooth fairy. It was fun to carry on a tradition I enjoyed as a child. Something occurred to me that night as I got take part in such an important milestone in Andrew's life. It was sort of an epiphany, I guess...

I've been a Mommy for over six years but often don't feel like much of a grown-up, myself. There are moments, however, in my Mommyhood when I feel like a grown-up... like a parent. For example, the first time I had to fight the school traffic jam in order to drop my son off at school~ it felt like such a grown-up thing to do.

Playing Tooth Fairy made me feel like that too. As I quietly exchanged my son's tooth for a 1974 Silver Dollar, I felt mature. I felt responsible. I felt like a parent. I felt like MY parents! I think those are the times when I truly feel grown-up... when I find myself doing some of the things my own parents did for me.

Now, before you call CPS and report me as an admittedly irresponsible parent (except for the times when I get to fight school traffic or get to be the Tooth Fairy), let me explain that I am a grown-up and I usually act like one. I just don't usually feel like one. I like it that way.

Andrew was pretending to be asleep for this picture.
Ha ha... I don't think the Tooth Fairy will fall for that.

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