Monday, June 23, 2008

Wii Fit... Well Worth the Hunt

Once I heard all the great things about Wii Fit, I knew I had to get one! It took several days, lots of precious gas, too much time on the phone, and finally lining up in front of Best Buy on a Sunday morning... but I got one! And all I have to say is, I LOVE IT! I was skeptical at first but I really do feel like I get a decent workout without really feeling like I'm working out.

My husband and the boys love it also. Andrew uses it more than any of us. This is saying a lot, since Andrew is not one of those adventurous, athletic, coordinated kids. But, since he has been using the Wii Fit, I notice those things are beginning to change. I've noticed that he is more willing to take chances, try new things, and has more self-confidence. I think this may be due, in part, to the way Fit gives positive feed-back and he competes against himself... not everyone else in the house.

The other day at the gym, Andrew was showing off his Yoga skills to the Kids' Club worker. She was very impressed. A little confused, but impressed.

Nate uses it to "wun". In Nate-ese, this means "run". It's so funny to watch his little legs running in-place, as he tries to keep up with the Mii in front of him. He likes to stop at look at the scenery. It's very cute!

Nate also likes to do the torso twists. He's so little, I'm surprised the Balance Board even registers his body weight.

My advice: If you've been thinking about getting the Wii Fit, get it! If you can. It's worth every minute I spent trying to get my hands on one.

Andrew & Nate, running together. Nate's butt is so skinny, it's hard to find clothes that stay up!

Boxing... Go for a knock out, Andrew!

Twists. That's right, Nate... work on that hefty waist line of yours!

1 comment:

Beckie said...

hey sara, i'm in town and i'd love to get together. email me at